Friday 11 May 2007

Off topic - but I need help.

I bought a new pair of shoes yesterday - Clarke's - and on taking them out of the box, moulded into the sole pattern were the mysterious words, "Airport friendly". What, in heaven's name, are airport friendly shoes. And why aren't all shoes airport friendly? I'll not be able to sleep until I know!

1 comment:

Henry North London 2.0 said...

These are shoes that wont sent off the alarms

Traditionally made shoes have nails in them where the leather is cleated to the base of the shoe and this now sets off the alarms at airports.

I know this because I was caught out in 1983 wearing a pair of traditionally made shoes( made in India of course) in Kuwait of all places and I had to take them off and then go through the scanner and I reckoned ah there is metal in the shoes..... The current concern from shoe bombers is that hollow parts may be used to carry explosive. Most of us in fact 99.98% of us are not interested in carrying explosive we just want to get to our destination